Lake draw down completed,  Jan. 29, 2024

Levels to return to normal

On Friday the 26th of January the drain control rod was replaced with a new rod made from aluminum conduit.

We caught the corroded rod problem just in time; the rod broke when closing the drain to start refilling the lake.

The water came down far enough to inspect the drain gate and the jack screw that moves the gate.

The drain parts had to be inspected because of the severe corrosion on the control rod.

All of the drain parts are in good shape and not corroded except for the control rod.  The rod was the only corrosion problem.

The drain is closed as normal.  No more water will drain out until the lake reaches normal full level.

Hopefully the prediction of a wet winter will help the lake fill quickly.

Draw-down update, Jan. 8, 2024, 2:00 p.m.

The contractor that originally built the Mirror Lake main dam, and the other small dams on the lake, has looked at the drain control rod situation.  The rod must be replaced.  Possibly other parts of the drain control that currently are underwater may need replacement, but those parts cannot be seen until the lake level is lowered further.
The lake must be lowered enough to expose the drain gate.  That will take the lake level down further than planned for the annual maintenance.   We are not sure how much lower down the lake has to go to expose the drain gate, but the level will not be taken down any lower than absolutely necessary.
The drain control rod repair is critical because we are not sure the rod will stand up to closing the drain all the way to refill the lake.   The sooner we get a look at the rest of the drain control, the sooner it can be fixed and ready to refill the lake in February for bass bedding time.
The MLOA will post updates as the repair goes forward.

Control Rod, lake normal level

Control Rod Submerged Corrosion Exposed by draw-down

Lake Draw-Down                                  Jan. 8, 2024

The lake has been drawn down to the maintenance level.  Hopefully we will get a hard freeze on the grass roots while the lake is down.

The lake low level might vary a bit as the drain control has to be tweaked to drain out the same amount of water as is coming into the lake.

The lake will begin refilling in Mid-February to allow time for the normal spring bass bedding.

The lowered water level revealed that the drain control rod (piece of galvanized pipe) is in very bad shape.  The rod has corrosion along all the submerged length and is perforated in several places.

The Board is investigating the best way to go about replacing the rod.  The rod does not look like it will last another year.

Annual Lake Maintenance

  Folks will be catching up on dock maintenance during the lake draw down so the Board would like to give a reminder about the dock By-Laws:
Replacing rotten boards and pilings on existing docks is normal ongoing maintenance and does not involve the Association.
Copied below is the By-Laws section dealing with docks.
The Boad should be notified for new dock construction or increasing the size (or length) of an existing dock.
The purpose of the dock By Laws is to protect the interests and property value of every lot on the lake.
The length rule is important to protect everyone’s access to the finger sloughs where the two shores can get close together.


C.  Control of Mirror Lake

  1. The lake level is controlled by the Board.  All actions related to control of the lake level are the responsibility of and are under the authority of the Board.  Schedule for the annual maintenance draw down and refill is set by the Board.
  2. Electric trolling motors, sold specifically for use on boats, are the only propulsion allowed on Mirror Lake other than oars/paddles and “bicycle pedal”.  No motors, engines, turbines, or any other form of propulsion which uses or burns gasoline, diesel, or any other fuel product are allowed on Mirror Lake. 
  3. Each parcel (lot) may have docks extending no more than thirty (30) feet from the shoreline, or no more than one-third (1/3) the distance from the dock shoreline to the shoreline directly opposite across the lake surface, whichever is less.  The total square area of all docks on a single parcel (lot) shall not exceed six hundred (600) square feet.
  4. New dock construction, whether floating or fixed, or increasing the size of an existing dock requires written approval by the Board.
  5. Floating docks, either permanent or temporary, must be removed from the lake during the annual maintenance draw down.

Happy 2024 to all!
MLOA Board

Dock Lights Contest

We had a good turnout for the contest festivities, and all had a great time! There was a total of six docks decorated for the contest. The winners are:

  •  First Place – Tom Holley (Lot 48)
  • Second Place – Kevin and Amy Trusler (Lot 12)
  • Third Place – Russ and April Griffin (Lot 37,38)



The borrowed judging boat put on quite a show when the Trolling Motor of the Apocalypse was opened up to max on takeoff and the boat tried to stand straight up. First time I’ve seen a boat in the lake put up a 2-foot wake while making gigantic S’s. Fortunately, the judging crew managed to get the boat back under 55 and headed in a straight line so they could glance at the decorated docks as they flew by. Judge #2 was having an enjoyable time until the caution to watch for gators “because they can sneak up real quiet in the dark”.

The Truslers had the fire pit warmed up and chasing off the evening chill as everyone enjoyed some delicious snacks and baked goodies around the fire. There was plenty of hot cocoa and good stories while waiting for the judges to count all of the small, unmarked bills that I am confident had nothing to do with the contest results. A big thanks to the Truslers for hosting the contest. Thanks to both the Truslers and the Griffins (and anyone I missed) for the food and other goodies. Lastly, thanks to everyone that decorated! Your efforts brought some Christmas cheer and smiles to folks. The decorations give everyone on the lake some beautiful sights across the water. The reflections of the Christmas lights on the lake were mentioned several times as the best part of the dock decorations.

A happy and prosperous New Year to all, with hope that 2024 brings good things to life.

See you at the 2024 dock decoration contest!

The MLOA Board


Our lake is private. This association is for owners of lake lots on Mirror Lake in  Crestview, FL.
©Copyright. All rights reserved.

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